March 6, 2019

Do Pets Have Seasonal Allergies, Too?
Longer days, green grass, and blooming flowers bring joy to most, but to seasonal allergy sufferers these springtime standards signify one thing: the return of high pollen counts. The high pollen counts of spring and summer not only affect human allergy sufferers, but cats and dogs with seasonal allergies, too.
That’s right. The beloved pets some people see as living, breathing allergens can also have allergies. Pets can have both food allergies and environmental allergies, such as sensitivities to smoke, dust, fragrances, mold, and pollen.
8 Signs Your Cat or Dog Suffers from Seasonal Allergies
1.Itchy Skin
Pets with allergies will scratch, bite, and lick at their skin incessantly. You might also notice lots of head shaking.
2. Unusual Shedding and Bald Spots
Irritated skin causes dogs and cats to shed excessively, sometimes leading to hairless patches, hot spots, and excessive dandruff.
3. Paw Licking
While it’s normal for cats to lick their paws throughout the day, as a part of their hygiene routine, dogs typically do not. Dogs with allergies will often compulsively lick their paws.
4. Scooting
If you notice your pet scooting around on its behind, this signifies irritation, which could be caused by allergies or a gland problem. Either way, you should have the behavior checked out.
5. Frequent Ear Infections
Chronic ear infections and odiferous ears are especially common in dogs with allergies.
6. Redness
Pets with allergies can have irritation all over their bodies. Look for red eyes, ears, gums, tummies, paws, and chins.
7. Respiratory Problems
These allergy symptoms are more common in humans, but cats and dogs with seasonal allergies will occasionally experience a runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing.
8. Symptoms Ebb and Flow with the Seasons
If you live in a climate with year-round pollen, then symptoms might not disappear entirely in winter. But you might still notice your pet’s symptoms worsening as the days lengthen.
Seasonal Allergy Treatment at Companion Animal Clinic
Although seasonal allergies cannot be cured, allergy symptoms can be managed. At Companion Animal Clinic, our veterinarian will work with you and your furry friend to help ease the symptoms of allergies with a personalized allergy management plan. We will help you determine the combination of lifestyle adjustments, supplements, and medications that are right for your pet. To schedule a pet allergy consultation, contact our office today.